Articles and Tracts

Tucson Tabernacle and Brother Pearry Green have collected articles and tracts since at least the 1960's. Many of them are now available on the web as downloadable PDFs.

Brother Branham described the pressure of the Holy Spirit trying to come down on every life as the waters on earth piled up in a 4 foot pipe. When put into words most people could understand, this would be like 194 billion elephants on the head of a pin.

Brother Branham referred to 1956 as being the year America would accept or reject the Gospel. This study was concerning things Brother Branham mentioned concerning 1956 and some things that were happening in America at that time.

A quote from Brother Branham from "Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed," July 28, 1963.

This is a definition of the word Abracadabra from the World Wide Words.

"Absolute Mathematical Proofs Of The Divine Inspiration Of The Bible" is a tract that was produced by The Johnson Print Shop many years ago.

Brother Branham told Brother Pearry Green that when the devil came to tempt him when Sharon Rose was dying, he looked like Alley Oop. He also said that when the devil came to tempt him as he was driving in the car, he looked the same. This is an article about Alley Oop, a picture of the cartoon characters, and a description with quotes from Brother Branham.

Brother Branham mentions how Satan come looking like Alley Oop in the sermon "Absolute," preached on January 27, 1963.

In the sermon "Choosing of a Bride," Brother Branham describes two couples: one rich and one poor. This is a copy of the poor couple's marriage license and Brother Branham's description from "Choosing of a Bride," preached on April 29, 1965 pm.

Brother Reg Searle from New Zealand wrote Brother Branham a letter. Brother Branham wrote his answer back to the Searles on the bottom of his letter.

This includes 2 articles: "I Am Standing On The Promises" is Brother William D. Upshaw's personal testimony, and "One of God's Mighty Warriors Has Been Called Home!" is from "The Voice Of Healing" magazine after Brother Upshaw crossed over.

This is a news article about Darwinism from the Arizona Republic on December 21, 2004.

"1937 California Earthquake Dream Of Joe Brandt" is a copy of an article that was given to us that was quoted as from the April-May-June 1969 issue of "Living Water." It contains a dream of a young man that had fallen from a horse and received a concussion and had seen this dream of a coming earthquake.

Moon ‘Stars’ In Celestial Show - Eclipse - This is an article with pictures of the total eclipse of the moon which took place December 30, 1963, when Pope Paul VI visited Jerusalem.

From a strictly mathematical viewpoint: What Equals 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?

This includes "60 Questions on the Godhead with Bible Answers" by Word Aflame Press, "Wheel of Prophecy Who Is God?" by Pentecostal Publishing House, and "Chapter 10. Oneness Believers in Church History" from the Internet.

Brother Karl Boyd put together a listing of scriptures concerning "Prayer Promises," "Praying for the Church," "Praying for Pastors," Praying for Relationships," "Scriptures for Encouragement," "Scriptures for Needs," and "Scriptures for Healing." These include the idea from the verse, not the actual verse.

This is a listing of 40 scriptural promises of what we are. It lists a shortened version along with the entire verses.

When Brother Branham gave Brother Pearry Green a tour of Jeffersonville, he showed him the barbershop he used to get his hair cut. Brother Branham said he would take off his jacket, lay it on the ground, and his wolf would get on his jacket and stay there until he came back out after getting his hair cut. When he told him to, the wolf would get off his jacket. Brother Green always wondered if he meant a dog that looked like a wolf or an actual wolf. He found the answer when he got this article dated August 23, 1942.

This is a picture of Khrushchev beating his shoe on the table with a quote from Brother Branham from "Conference," November 25, 1960.

This is a news article which shows that the Koran repeatedly called Jesus the Messiah.

This is a poem about Meth written by a user who unfortunately died because of the use of it. Meth is a killer. A person only has to take it once to become a slave to it.

The November 1952 issue of Reader’s Digest contained an article where Brother Branham was mentioned. This is a copy of that article: "The Miracle Of Donny Morton."

In "Believe Ye That I Can Do This?" (also titled "Testimony") on May 9, 1951, Brother Branham told of this prophecy being in the Mormon book.

This is an explanation of the mural that is over our baptistery. It was painted by Sister Janet Parker.

This is a news article about Pope John Paul II receiving Jewish representatives at the Vatican.

  • Brother Branham telling about this experience - [MP3 Audio Excerpt] - From "Testimony," November 29, 1953 pm
  • The Full Testimony is a copy of an edited quote of Brother Branham giving this testimony on November 29, 1953 pm and a copy of George J Lacy's Report. [PDF: 9 pages] | [Read Full Article...]
  • The Summary includes a short introduction to the time the Pillar of Fire was photographed in Houston and a copy of George J Lacy's Report. [PDF: 2 pages]
  • George J Lacy's Report is a copy of the "Report And Opinion" from the man who examined the negative and concluded, "I am of the definite opinion that the light streak appearing above the head in a halo position was caused by light striking the negative." [PDF: 1 page] | [JPG - View Report]

This is a copy of the letter Brother Branham's staff sent out with the prayer cloths.

This is a copy of the poem Psalm of Life that Brother Branham would repeat.

When Brother Branham first taught on illegitimacy, it sounded very hard. Some who knew there was illegitimacy in their family asked him about it. Brother Branham clarified that the new birth takes all that away. This copy has quotes from Brother Branham, along with a copy of the article from the Only Believe magazine.

One of the sermons Brother Branham clarifies about the question of illegitimacy is "The Ten Virgins and the 144,000," preached on December 11, 1960 am.

Brother Branham had not released seven sermons. After he passed, the board decided to release them. On this sheet, the first seven sermons listed are the ones Brother Branham did not release. They were played in April 1966 and have been released since.

The magazine-information articles include black-and-white copies of
  1. "And a High Cloud Ring Of Mystery" from the "LIFE" magazine, May 17, 1963,
  2. "Stratospheric Cloud over Northern Arizona," from the Science magazine, April 19, 1963,
  3. "Cloud-Ring in the Upper Stratosphere" from Weatherwise, June 1963,
  4. 1963 Javelina Hunt Regulations which show the season as being from March 1 through March 10, 1963.
The bulletin board pages have color photos within them.

This contains 3 articles. One of a black boy and white boy as twins. Another is about triplets, one white, one black, and one yellow. And the last article came out in "The Arizona Daily Star" on July 16, 1995, "Fight rages over twins with different dads." This article came out in our local newspapers after some people who had attended our church broke off and went against the message. They had put out on the radio that this was an impossibility, but God fights His own battles. Immediately after their radio broadcast, this article was printed in the paper.

Two people who were there when Brother Branham gave the teachings on Daniel copied down the chart Brother Branham used. This is a copy of both charts.

"Beyond Human Control" and "Azusa Revival": These are 3 articles. One is on the Welsh Revival and the other two on the Azusa Revival.

John Wesley once felt the need of closer sympathy among the ministers, and, together with 12 others, he signed the following this covenant.

What Are The Odds? This is a calculation of the probability of Brother Branham's prophecies of the 7-event vision, by Brother Dale Knight.

This is a copy of the notice from March 4, 1956, concerning Brother Branham going to Mexico.