Brother Pearry Green - Founding Pastor
Brother Pearry Green was an eyewitness of Brother Branham’s ministry. On January 23, 1950, at age 16, Brother Green saw blind eyes opened, club-feet made perfectly whole, and the secrets of people’s hearts revealed.
After seeing and experiencing many more things from 1950 to 1964, Brother Green came to the realization that Brother Branham was a prophet like unto Elijah. Brother Branham loved the wilderness, preached against the Jezebel spirit, had no desire for fame or money, and called the religious leaders of the world hypocrites.
The end of December 1965, Brother Green was privileged to help when Brother Branham passed.
Brother Green pastored Tucson Tabernacle for almost 50 years. He has been a faithful witness of what he has seen and heard. Brother Green crossed over to be with the Lord on August 20, 2015.

April 9, 2002 - Part 1 | April 10, 2002 - Part 2
Testimony Services - Brother Pearry Green - Tennessee, USA
April 13, 2002 - Part 1 | April 14, 2002 - Part 2
The Certainty Of An Eyewitness - Brother Pearry Green - Tucson, Arizona, USA
September 1, 2002
by Brother Pearry Green

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