(Note: The pictures used on this website are for information only. They may not necessarily depict the exact items available for purchase. For the exact items, see the corresponding websites.)
by Brother Pearry Green

After being out of print for many years, The Acts of the Prophet has had minor revisions made and the book is now available. The new edition has 55 photographs within its 224 pages. Brother Pearry Green released the first copies of his book on October 15, 2014.
As an eyewitness and a friend of Brother William Branham, Brother Green took several nights in 1969 to give a series of testimonies to his congregation at Tucson Tabernacle. Unknown to him, a group of them were transcribing the testimonies and making mimeographed copies of them. These testimonies were first published and distributed in December 1969 as a mimeographed book.
At the same time another brother asked to edit Brother Green’s testimonies so it could be printed as a paperback book. When this book was ready to print, another brother who had sold a piece of real estate donated the money toward printing the first edited edition of the book. Since 1969, tens of thousands of copies have been distributed across the world in several languages.
The Acts of the Prophet is now available from Tucson Tabernacle, 2555 N. Stone Ave., Tucson, Arizona 85705 USA.
To have The Acts of the Prophet mailed to a USA address, the suggested donation is $10 each US funds (which includes postage). If you would like a copy mailed to you, please send your mailing address, the quantity of books you would like shipped to you, along with your donation to Tucson Tabernacle. (Sorry, no credit cards.)
Since the postage varies greatly for shipping to an international address, please contact Tucson Tabernacle for the suggested donation amount for your location.
English: Available from Tucson Tabernacle
Spanish: (being revised)
Russian: Available
Spanish: (being revised)
Russian: Available
Available from:
by David Edwin Harrell, Jr.

David Harrell interviewed many people before writing this book, including Pearry Green, pastor of Tucson Tabernacle. The publisher’s comments are “This is the first objective history of the great revivals that swept the country after World War II. It tells the story of the victories and defeats of such giants of the revival as William Branham, Oral Roberts, Jack Coe, T. L. Osborn, A. A. Allen. It also tells of the powerful present day evangelists who are carrying on the revival, including Robert Schambach and Morris Cerullo. The book includes pictures of Schambach, Allen, Cerullo, Branham, Roberts, Osborn, Coe, and many others. Those who lived through the great revival of the 1950’s and 1960’s will be thrilled to read about those exciting days. Those who do not remember those days need to read this book to see what has led us up to this present moment in time.”
Available from:

In the Bible, God calls Himself an eagle. He is “Jehovah Eagle,” and His children are young eagles under His wings. This booklet gives the comparisons of God’s children to eagles, setting their strong wings, as they set their faith in God.
Available from:
Note: This booklet was originally distributed by William Branham during his campaigns, then reprinted by Pearry Green in the mid-1960's. It is an edited version of a sermon that he preached, so there is no exact recording of this sermon booklet.
by F. F. Bosworth

After the debate was clearly shown that divine healing is spoken of in the Bible, the Pillar of Fire was photographed over Brother Branham’s head. The negative for this photograph was examined by George J. Lacy (an examiner of questioned documents), and his conclusion was “I am of the definite opinion that the negative submitted for examination, was not retouched nor was it a composite or double exposed negative. Further, I am of the definite opinion that the light streak appearing above the head in the halo position was caused by light striking the negative.”
This book, Christ the Healer, does not relate this event, but does relate how divine healing is spoken of in the Bible.
Available from:

When the angel of the Lord met William Branham in the cave, one of the things he told him was that if he would be sincere, and he could get the people to believe, nothing would stand before the prayer, not even cancer. This booklet has testimonies of people who have been healed of cancer.
Available from:
Note: This booklet was originally distributed by William Branham during his campaigns, then reprinted by Pearry Green in the mid-1960's. It is an edited version of a sermon that he preached, so there is no exact recording of this sermon booklet.

Another title for this booklet could be “When Love Projects, Sovereign Grace Takes Over.” William Branham tells of some supernatural experiences he had when God’s love projected through him, and God’s sovereign grace took over.
Available from:
Note: This booklet was originally distributed by William Branham during his campaigns, then reprinted by Pearry Green in the mid-1960's. It is an edited version of a sermon that he preached, so there is no exact recording of this sermon booklet.
by T. A. Dodd
Volume 1 - This devotional book includes 366 daily devotions (1 day per page). Each page includes a daily Scripture quotation from the King James Version, a daily thought that was taken from the messages of Brother William Branham and that pertains to the daily Scripture quotation, along with a listing of additional Scriptures for reading your Bible through in one year. The book is coil bound for durability and ease of use.
Volume 2 - The Gospels in chronological order. Scripture readings each day will lead you through the events of Christ’s earthly ministry as they happened. 365 Daily Devotions - 1 per page. Daily Scripture quotation from the King James Bible. Daily inspirational thought, pertaining to the daily scripture quotation, taken from the messages of Brother William Branham. Coil bound for durability and ease of use.
Both Volumes and a Kindle Version Available from:
by Angela Smith

Several people relate experiences with William Branham and his ministry.
printed by Believers International

William Branham frequently spoke about healing, as it is taught in the Bible. Many thousands were healed during his meetings. Some had miracles of healing, which happened immediately (as in the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, cripples walking, and so on). Others had healings that came over a longer period of time. This book, Healing Thoughts, includes over 60 pages of quotations and thoughts concerning healing from the sermons of William Branham.
Available from:

The majority of this booklet was taken from the Laodicean Church age portion of An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages.
Available from:
A songbook with several songs that were sung during William Branham’s services.
Available from:
by Norman P. Grubb

The publisher’s comments are “In this biography of Rees Howells, whose mastery of intercessory prayer had global consequences, we discover rich truths of the Spirit for all the church today. Norman Grubb tells the story with simplicity, humanity, and humor.” This book was one of the books in William Branham's library.
Available from:
by Owen Jorgensen
“Somewhere in the world, a sincere teenager is searching for answers to questions like: Does God really exist? If so, who is He? And where is He? And is this God interested in my life? To you, young searcher, this book is dedicated… For so once was I.”
“I structured this biography chronologically, feeling that much insight could be gained by watching William Branham’s life unfold step by step. Many biographers remain ever-present in their text, analyzing and explaining the future significance of every event they describe. I chose not to do this, letting the meaning of each event remain a mystery until that point in the story when William Branham himself learned its significance. This allows the reader to follow his life as he lived it, to understand the development of his character, and to appreciate his struggle to comprehend the meaning of his peculiar life.” —Owen Jorgensen
Available from:

A booklet written by Lee Vayle which briefly explains the seven church ages from the Bible and gives a brief explanation of William Branham’s ministry.
Available from:
Note: This booklet was originally printed and distributed by Pearry Green in the mid-1960's.
by Gordon Lindsay

“The story of the life of William Branham is so out of this world and beyond the ordinary that were there not available a host of infallible proofs which document and attest its authenticity, one might well be excused for considering it farfetched and incredible. But the facts are so generally known, and of such a nature that they can be so easily verified by any sincere investigator, that they must stand as God’s witness to His willingness and purpose to reveal Himself again to men as he once did in the days of the prophets and apostles. This story of this prophet’s life–for he is a prophet, though we infrequently use the term–indeed witnesses to the fact that Bible days are here again.” —Gordon Lindsay
Available from:
by Julius Stadsklev

“Only believe, only believe, all things are possible, only believe” was the theme song of William Branham’s campaigns. Awed by the works that the Lord did during their trip to South Africa, Julius Stadsklev wrote, “Oh, for words to express what He [God] did in South Africa those last three months of 1951. But human ability, even at its best, could never fully portray the signs and wonders which God wrought in our midst.”
Julius Stadsklev describes many events that he saw as he traveled with William Branham in South Africa. There are numerous photographs, newspaper clippings, and written testimonies of the people who were healed during these meetings.
Available from:
End Time Message Tabernacle
Voice of God Recordings, Inc (Search for "South Africa")
Voice of God Recordings, Inc (Search for "South Africa")
Brother Branham told about his own life in several sermons. One of the most popular sermons of Brother Branham telling his life's story was given in the afternoon on April 19, 1959. [MP3 Audio | Letter-sized PDF | Booklet PDF]
One of the most popular sermons of Brother Branham telling about his experience when the angel first appeared to him is "How The Angel Came To Me," preached on January 17, 1955. [MP3 Audio | Letter-sized PDF | Booklet PDF]
One of the most popular sermons of Brother Branham telling about his experience when the angel first appeared to him is "How The Angel Came To Me," preached on January 17, 1955. [MP3 Audio | Letter-sized PDF | Booklet PDF]