by Julius Stadsklev
“Only believe, only believe, all things are possible, only believe” was the theme song of William Branham’s campaigns. Awed by the works that the Lord did during their trip to South Africa, Julius Stadsklev wrote, “Oh, for words to express what He [God] did in South Africa those last three months of 1951. But human ability, even at its best, could never fully portray the signs and wonders which God wrought in our midst.”
Julius Stadsklev describes many events that he saw as he traveled with William Branham in South Africa. There are numerous photographs, newspaper clippings, and written testimonies of the people who were healed during these meetings.
Available from:
End Time Message Tabernacle
Voice of God Recordings, Inc (Search for "South Africa")
Voice of God Recordings, Inc (Search for "South Africa")