In May 1960, Brother Branham had an experience where he went beyond the curtain of time.
"Oh, my precious friend, my beloved, my darlings of the Gospel, my begotten children unto God, listen to me, your pastor. I wish there was some way I could explain it to you. There's no words. I couldn't find it. It's not found anywhere.But just beyond this last breath is the most glorious thing that you ever-- There is no way to explain it. There's no way. I just can't do it.
But whatever you do, friends, lay aside everything else till you get perfect love. Get to a spot that you can love everybody, every enemy, everything else.
That one visit there to me has made me a different man. I can never, never, never be the same Brother Branham that I was. Whether the planes are rocking, whether lightning's a-flashing, whether the spies has a gun on me, whatever it is, it doesn't matter. I'm going to press the battle by the grace of God while I preach the Gospel to every creature and every person that I can, persuading them to that beautiful land yonder."